• wyn_simpen@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Ilmu Budaya


I Wayan Simpen is a professor in the field of Cultural Linguistics at the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University. He was born on December 31, 1960 in Tejakula Village, Buleleng Regency. He completed his elementary school in 1973, junior high school in 1976, and senior high school in 1980, all were taken in Tejakula Village.

In 1980, he continued his undergraduate education (bachelor degree) in the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature (now the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program), Faculty of Letter, Udayana University, and graduated in 1984 with his final thesis entitled, "Structure of Sumba Language in the Kambera dialect". In 1995, he completed his postgraduated education (master degree (S-2)) at the Faculty of Letter, University of Indonesia, with his final thesis entitled, "Verbal Affixation of the Balinese Language" under the guidance of (late) Prof. Dr. Anton M. Moeliono.

He continued his doctoral education (S-3) and completed in 2008 at the Postgraduate Program, Udayana University, with his final dissertation entitled, "Politeness in the Kambera Society in East Sumba". This dissertation was issued by the Regional Government of Tk. II, East Sumba Regency, under the title of "Polite Language of the East Sumba Community".

Since 1985, he was appointed as a permanent lecturer at his almamater, and has successfully held a professorship since 2011. In 1987, along with his senior (late) Drs. Nazir Thoir, he had published the book entitled, FONOLOGI : Ilmu Deskriptif Bahasa Indonesia and published by CV. Kayu Mas, Denpasar. In 2008, his second book was published, entitled Pelangi Bahasa Indonesia by Pustaka Larasan, Denpasar, and his third book was published in 2009, Morfologi : Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas published by Udayana University Press.

As a lecturer, he actively teaches at Udayana University and other private universities. Since 1985, he has been involved in teaching Indonesian for foreigners (BIPA, founded by Prof. Dr. I Wayan Bring (late)). From March 2010 to March 2011, he got the opportunity to become the Associate Professor at Osaka University (Japan) in Indonesian language course. In addition to its activities in the field of Tri Darma institutions, he is also actively involved in seminars, workshops and other scientific meetings, both at national and international levels up until nowadays.